Tortilla linda y querida
Corn is the essence of the tortilla in the Mexican cuisine and…

Foto: David Egui
Corn is the essence of the tortilla in the Mexican cuisine and it is the base of one of the most representative dishes of this Latin American country: tacos
Hechos de maíz nixtamalizado y molido se cocina en una forma plana y circular, logrando como resultado la base de estos sobres de sabor que permiten una infinidad de rellenos, desde los más tradicionales hasta los más creativos. Además de ser uno de platos más populares en México, los tacos suelen ser favoritos de la street food. En Café Kursaal suelen presentarse con rellenos típicos mexicanos como los tacos al pastor o de carnitas con rellenos que fusionan sabores y preparaciones de otros países como ceviches, camarones o tartares.
Made with grinded and nixtamalized maize it is cooked in a rounded flat shape, having as a result the base for these flavor pockets that allows them to have an infinite amount of fillers, from the most traditional ones to the most creative ones. Besides being one of the most popular dishes in Mexico, tacos tend to be a Street Food staple. In Café Kursaal they tend to be filled with the most typical Mexican fillers such as the “tacos al pastor “ or “carnitas” filled with a mix flavors and preparations from other countries like ceviche, spawns or tartars.